WP Super Edit 2.4 is now available from the WordPress.org Extend repository.
It was really time to refresh the included TinyMCE plugins and try to tackle some of the problems I created by moving some functions into separate plugins.
Here is a quick list of the notable changes.
- Update included TinyMCE pluigns to TinyMCE version 3.9.3 package.
- Dependency checks for WP Super Edit sub-plugins.
- Introduce WP Super Edit Upgrade Utility Plugin to correct my old mistakes and remove depreciated plugins and buttons.
I found a few mistakes with some database stored settings, so I’ve created an WP Super Edit Upgrade Utility plugin that attempts to clean up any old issues in the database. It will deactivate the Theme Classes and Emoticon Plugins if they are active.
If you are still have some issues after activating the WP Super Edit Upgrade Utility plugin, then you will probably need to attempt to reinstall by pressing the Uninstall WP Super Edit Database Tables button and deactivating. Then reactivate the main WP Super Edit plugin before you activate any of the sub-plugins.
Of course if you still have some problems and things are still broken, be sure to post your gripes here or on WordPress.org. I’ll respond eventually!