Category: Web
DDEV & Pantheon hosting, notes and research
Going to put my research for some of my DDEV & Pantheon configurations on-line. This is specifically for a locally configured Drupal 10 website to be connected to a DEV Pantheon environment. End goal is to actively develop and interact with your remote Pantheon environment with these example commends: Blah I am using a MacOS…
When things get weird the weird turn pro with something ridiculous like the icur-from-x WordPress plugin
Forgive my international friends or others who may not understand the current ridiculous actions in American(‘Merican) culture right now. If you do understand, then this little quick tongue in cheek side project may be for you. The use of “X” is meant to be all inclusive like a variable, and does ironically reference some related…
Notes for my WordPres full site editing(fse) child theme scaffold with some golden mean math support
These are additional notes for the WordPress twenty twenty four child theme that this site uses. The source is available on Github at: At this point the scaffold has been built with NPM support for TailwindCSS as well as the included ReactJS component and dependencies. The completed configuration and installation will give us two…
WordPress Full Site Editing (FSE) Themes, templates, and a simple plugin to reset them
As I write this the WordPress community is once again changing in the social, and market focused ways. There has been turmoil in it’s development, so the technical changes also keep going. As a developer who comes from a creative background, I am happy to put more creative tools in front of less technical users.…