Tag: Jess
Something simple to start from
I’ve written something like this before as I do some web testing thing. A quick little shift to a Gutenberg starter theme child for a bit.
When the car cd explosion uncovers the mixcd I gave @caidy years ago
An artistic to-do list in visual form
At least the ideas are here. Just working on time.
Is this thing on?
Hello. Let’s sart with this. A bordered box with tiny text.
Happiness, welcome heavy ghosts, and Neutral Milk Hotel
Caidy took this picture and I love the blurry darkness since it matches my feeling of joy and melancholy watching them play. I felt good heavy weight of love for people I know would be there in spirit if such things were possible. Happiness and thanks for such wonderful artists. It was nice to see…
You could be doing this.
Dancing with refrigerators? (read the fine print)
Having a frustrated easy to anger #ManMoment? Cook & eat bacon.
Cornbread as Ingredient