Going to put my research for some of my DDEV & Pantheon configurations on-line. This is specifically for a locally configured Drupal 10 website to be connected to a DEV Pantheon environment.
End goal is to actively develop and interact with your remote Pantheon environment with these example commends:
# Standard DDEV Start before anything.
ddev start
# This is composer driven
ddev composer install
# Always needs local cache reset. Not going to troubleshoot ddev Drupal cache attachments.
ddev drush cr
# Seems to be a good idea to export the Drupal configs for the local before a push.
ddev drush cex -y
# You can pull down that DEV with
ddev pull pantheon
# You can push the mess of your DEV upstream
ddev push pantheon
# This is how you clear that remote Drupal cache once you have Terminus configured and logged in. You need to substitute your own SITE_NAME, and also a clue into other things.
ddev drush @pantheon.SITE_NAME.dev cr
I am using a MacOS with lots of local unixy setup junk with homebrew which helps.
Overall config files live for the Pantheon configs in PROJECT_FOLDER/.ddev as well as ~/.ddev in yaml files.
I may not dig into the setup for these commands, but some of the research for those configurations once lay here:
Reference for Pantheon & DDEV setup:
DDEV Commands
GIT Commands:
Drupal DDEV Twig Debugging
Pantheon and terminus
Other pantheons notes
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