Swamp Things – Jesse Planck

Have fun!

Category: post

  • Let’s not forget a Drupal 10 with DDEV

    Of course all of this is availble from the DDEV documentation. To get a local version of Drupal 10 running you will of course need to run these commnds from a folder where you want your Drupal 10 project to be installed. I will also remind you that you must get DDEV installed with a…

  • Drupal 8 – Composer: updating, module installs, & external library support notes



    This is a set of configuration steps used to setup the requirements for the Tulane Library website using Drupal. PHP-Composer with Bower and NPM integration is used for updating and installing Drupal core, modules, and libraries. Included are procedures, configurations, and websites with information. Prerequisites – May be necessary on the composer system used for…

  • Here’s the source article http www frederico araujo…



    Here’s the source article: http://www.frederico-araujo.com/2011/07/30/installing-rails-on-os-x-lion-with-homebrew-rvm-and-mysql/ My goals here are to update an environment and move to a new Susy release: http://susy.oddbird.net/ 1. Install and upgrade XCode from the Mac App Store (4.3.2 in this case). Also install the Command Line Tools found in the Preferences pane. 2. Install Homebrew. Not entirely necessary, but I’m enjoying…

  • Unfollow Non-twitter followers



    PLEASE NOTE!! This is really old colde only here for references and history 😉

  • WordPress Post Types and Custom Taxonomy Articles



    I’m putting links to these two articles together. Understanding both makes things magical. http://shibashake.com/wordpress-theme/wordpress-custom-taxonomy-input-panels http://new2wp.com/pro/wordpress-custom-post-types-object-oriented-series2/

  • HTML5 Articles



    Some HTML5 Articles I want to read when I have time. http://diveintohtml5.org/ http://www.456bereastreet.com/archive/201103/html5_sectioning_elements_headings_and_document_outlines/

  • Mac OSX 10.6 Shell Script to Configure, Launch, and Shutdown Screen Sharing



    Apple’s MacOS has a tidy built in remote access client and service generically known as “Screen Sharing”. Yay! This works great for headless machines, testing servers, and annoying your spouse. The paranoid and performance conscious user may not want these services continuously running. Rogue services hanging out, listening, and waiting for some punk to probe…

  • My Reply to E-mail with Text File AppleScript



    At work I deal with a large volume of e-mail. There just aren’t enough people to handle all the e-mail requests or questions. When I have people to help handle e-mail, I still answer some of the same questions over and over and over. You just don’t want to know the volume or scope of…

  • My Ugly WordPress, HyperDB, & BuddyPress Deployment Shell Script



    This is the source of some of the website deployment scripts I have. This is one is fairly complex and it is my pocket tool of choice for development of big nasty WordPress sites. Probably only interesting to folks who deal with unix shells and do mildly heavy WordPress work. It’s designed to update from…

  • Tommy’s diggall.sh revised



    Think you know the linux digg command? Ever try to do some simple network discovery with it? This script by Tommy Johnson does some nice condensed discovery. Just pass a domain for the argument. That is all!