My mom got sick, so I joined Pop for the game today at the Superdome.
WP Super Edit 2.0 has finally been released! It should probably also be known as the “Gustav ate my wallet” release. If you don’t know, WP Super Edit is a WordPress plugin designed to manage and add features to the TinyMCE WYSIWYG editor used by WordPress. This is a complete rewrite of WP Super Edit…
Here is the complete collection of hurricane Gustav photos. These were taken while we were in Tioga and when we returned to Houma to “Look and Leave.” We were very fortunate with very little damage to our house. The city of Houma is still quite a mess, but things are slowly getting back to normal.
It’s a beauty to see this. I see it so often and just become so shocked about crap creative work. Aaron Draphlin speaks his mind (profanely). America Is F*cked…….(Graphically at least) on Vimeo.
We evacuated Houma this past Saturday and stayed in my parents’ house north of Alexandria, La in Tioga. Of course, with our luck, Gustav hit this area either as a category 1 or darn close to it.
I am writting this from my parents’ house in Tioga, Louisiana the day or so before hurricane Gustav is expected to make landfall. On Friday my dad and I boarded up the house on Levron St. in Houma, Louisiana. We grilled up some good steaks that evening. Caidy got us up at 6:30 am on…
This is Pete, and Son of Pete. Pete was rescued from a Best Buy parking lot. Son of Pete just fell off Pete when we moved. I am also testing the WordPress iPhone app.