Tag: Jess
This one is cropped. I’m enjoying playing in the small spaces.
Tower with a name I am keeping
Reshaping Mom’s hat for reuse
That careful work to reshape one of Mom’s old hats for reuse. I still couldn’t find her favorite hat.
Next, the WordPress twenty twenty four child theme scaffold project
This is where I complicate the project more to experiment with making the theme use more ReactJS functionality in a full site editing child theme. It’s also out there: https://github.com/ev3rywh3re/jesse-james-block
Foot first
Picked at this for a few from my lately D&D l inspired brain. Definitely from those close in my heart who dive in with that blind determination. Halflings and Beholders.
Moon caught between the wires
The intern resume 1994
It was so last century when your applications were hand typed at the library on a typewriter and copied for 10¢ Minus my freelance creative work as a minor of course. Those dnd books weren’t cheap.
Talking down to gemini
The other reason to get my site working is to occasionally do this. Pencil, done while rebuilding this site before my birthday, 2024. Lowercase on the title intentional because humans know hierarchies.
My notes for bringing swamthings.org back by converting the messed up WordPress sub-directory multi-site to a single site with ddev and other stuff
Ok. Things are working as the title hints, but only sorta. I haven’t been online with any web thing for a long time in internet space-time. I’ve been doing other stuff, and getting some different perspectives, but that’s for future stories. These are the technical notes that I am adding to my collection as I…